
New version released

We’re pleased to announce the release of a new version Conical. The main feature of this release is support for the manual testing functionality. This has been dogfooded internally and with a few beta testers for a while now and we think that it’s ready for wider use. This doesn’t mean that we don’t think that testing should be mostly automated but reflects our pragmatic belief that some testing (and evidence thereof) is vastly better than performing no testing unless perfection can be achieved.

Additionally, we’ve spent a lot of time and effort improving the overall UX for users. As part of this, we’ve tried to style all of the pages consistently and in a much more visually appealing fashion as well as going through all of the expected use-cases and ensuring that keyboard shortcuts (especially form submission) works as a user would expect. If you come across an area where the UX isn’t as expected, then please do get in touch and we’ll do our best to rectify.

We will add some more blog posts / FAQ pages on how the manual testing functionality can best be used shortly. In the meantime, you can download the new version and experiment.


As part of this build, we’ve upgraded to .net 8. The DB driver for .net 8 can, depending on the SQL instance being connected to, complain about an untrusted certificate. If this is the case, then the connection string file will need to be updated to append the following:


We’ve updated the 1st time installer to allow users to configure this flag, however, for existing installations, we do not automatically update the connection string. This means that if this flag is required, then the file must be manually updated. This can be done by editing the config file on the container instance (this is usually mounted as a volume).

If you need any assistance with this, then please get in touch and we can assist you.

New features

Alongside the manual testing functionality, lots of other functionality has been added, including:

Improvements / Bug fixes
  • Improved disc-space monitoring service
  • Improve UX for changing passwords
  • Fix bug when writing data using product aliases
  • Improved UX for admin users when inputting data
  • Ensure all buttons etc. are styled appropriately
  • Ensure all form like pieces of functionality behave like forms
  • Ensure all dialogs force keyboard focus to the appropriate controls on display
  • Improve log-in experience so users can login directly from any page
  • Ensure product cover images can be easily updated in the UI
  • Allow test run types to be renamed
  • Improvements to lightbox control so non-image additional files can be viewed without needing to download them
  • When logging in, user passwords are now passed via the body rather than the query string for better log security. Note that the old method will still work for backwards compatibility, but is no longer recommended.
Non-functional changes
  • Standardise tree component across all use-cases
  • Additional unit tests
  • Additional integration tests
  • Refactoring following static analysis of the codebase
  • Update internals to use Task<..> everywhere
  • Simplification of CSS to avoid duplication
  • Refactored admin pages to facilitate better testing
  • Updated to use .net 8


We’re really proud of the new version and hope that you will find the new features useful.

As usual, if you have any questions or queries about anything related to Conical or testing, then please do get in touch –

Happy testing.


Status update

Just a little update from us. We’ve been very quiet on the releases front recently as we’ve been focussing on helping our clients improve their build test release processes.

As part of this, we’ve been developing functionality to allow users to store the results of manual testing in the tool. With this functionality, users can upload screenshots and text (and anything else they can think of) and have a record of what testing has been performed to make decision makers more comfortable with sign-offs. This is being “dog-fooded” as part of us helping our clients and we’re hopeful that it’ll be ready for release shortly.

Note that this functionality doesn’t negate our very strong belief in automated testing, we think that it can be a very helpful intermediate step on the journey towards automated testing as well as for final ‘tyre kicking’ types of tests where some manual last minute validation can be useful.

If you have any thoughts, questions, feature requests etc. about this or any other topic, then please do get in touch and we’ll see how we can help improve your confidence in your product’s releases.


Monitoring Conical with Prometheus and Grafana

One of our clients recently extended their use of Conical to include UX testing. This proved very useful to them, but also entailed the uploading of ~300MB of data per test cycle. As they’d originally only set themselves up with 16GB of disc space for data, this proved rather problematic as their test jobs started failing because they were unable to upload data as they’d filled their available space.

On talking to the client, we asked what monitoring tools that they had in place and the answer was that they didn’t and they wanted us to recommend a solution. Given that we support reporting server metrics in the Prometheus format (via /api/metrics) the natural answer was ‘use Prometheus and Grafana’.

This allowed the client to be aware of when they needed to proactively clean up their old, no longer relevant, test results rather than having to respond reactively when everything had stopped working.

It then struck us that there was no example of how to configure Prometheus for use with Conical on the web, hence this blog post.


Prometheus and Grafana work together to provide a way of monitoring metrics from a range of services. Prometheus is responsible for gathering the data from a range of sources whilst Grafana can be used to display dashboards of said data.

These tools are incredibly powerful and have a vast range of additional functionality over and above our simple use-case. However, for the purposes of what we’re trying to do, the above is valid.

Note that we run all of our services using Docker containers.

To that end, we needed to do the following:


  • Create a PAT with ‘servermetrics’ permissions


  • Create a configuration file (see below) containing information about where we want to source data from
  • [Optional] Create a ‘webconfig.yml’ file to enable username / password access
  • Create a Docker instance
  • [Optional] Put behind a reverse proxy (we use nginx)


  • Create a Docker instance
  • [Optional] Put behind a reverse proxy (we use nginx)

Installing / Configuring Prometheus

Our requirements for configuring Prometheus were:

  • fault tolerant
  • can source data from multiple Conical instances
  • Restricted access

To that end, we went for a simple approach of:

  • A mounted volume to contain the prometheus DB
  • A config file
  • A webconfig.yml file containing the required user details

Configuration File (/datadrive/prometheus/config/prometheus.yml)

  scrape_interval:     15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds.
  evaluation_interval: 15s # By default, scrape targets every 15 seconds.

  - job_name: 'demo-conical'
    # Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 30 seconds.
    scrape_interval: 30s
    metrics_path: "/api/metrics"
    scheme: https
      type: Bearer
      credentials: youPATGoesHere
      - targets: ['']

To monitor additional instances, simply replicate the final block with the additional details.

WebConfig File (/datadrive/prometheus/config/webconfig.yml)

  admin: encryptedPasswordHere

Details of how the basic auth works can be found on the prometheus website along with instructions on how to generate the encrypted password..

Docker Command to launch the container

sudo docker container run \
    -d \
    --name prometheus \
   --network monitoring \
   --hostname prometheus \
   -p 9090:9090 \
   -v /datadrive/prometheus/config:/etc/prometheus \
   -v /datadrive/prometheus/data:/var/prometheus \
   --restart always \
   -u 1002 \
    prom/prometheus:latest \
    --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
    --storage.tsdb.path=/var/prometheus \

Note that we assigned ownership of /datadrive/prometheus to user 1002.

Installing Grafana

Installing the Grafana instance is much simpler and can be done with the following command:

sudo docker run \
  --network monitoring \
  --hostname grafana \
  -d \
  --name grafana \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -v /datadrive/grafana:/var/lib/grafana \
  -u 1003 \
  --restart always \

Note that /datadrive/grafana is owned by user 1003.

Using Grafana with a reverse proxy (NGINX)

If you’re planning on using a reverse proxy with grafana, then you’ll need to ensure that the forwarding block sets the Host header, e.g.

    location / {
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
            proxy_pass http://internalIPAddress:3000;

If this step isn’t done, then Grafana will misbehave subsequently when a user tries to log in.

Configuring Grafana

There are lots of tutorials on the internet as to how to configure data sources in Grafana so we will not seek to duplicate that information here. The main things to remember:

  • The URL of the Prometheus server is from the perspective of the Grafana instance. Because we put both services in the same Docker network and specified host names, then we simply use http://prometheus:9000 and bypass all of the nginx functionality (which is reserved for enabling access from outside of our internal network)
  • If using basic auth, then you’ll need to remember to set the user name / password combination.


With this set up, we’ve been able to monitor both our own demo instance of Conical and also some of our clients’ instances, allowing us to be proactive in fixing problems (usually disc space) before they become a real problem.

We hope that you will find these instructions helpful if you wish to add monitoring to your own instances. If you have any questions about your Conical instances or how we can help you improve your overall testing, then please do get in touch –

Happy testing.


New version released

We’re pleased to announce that a new version of Conical is now available. This contains a few small technical as well as some more UX improvements.

Highlighting of flattened Json

The highlighting functionality from the results text display has been brought into the flattened results Json display. This should assist in interpreting test results.

Better 404 experience

When navigating to incorrect links, the experience is now slightly better.

Data deletion

A bug was discovered whereby data wasn’t always removed from disc when a test run or evidence set was deleted. This has been rectified.

Note that any data which was previously left dangling is unaffected by this change. We are adding a piece of functionality to make it easier to clean this data which will be available in a future version.

As usual, if you have any requests, suggestions or comments then please do get in touch.

Happy testing!


New version released

We’re pleased to announce that a new version of Conical is now available. This comes with a range of UX improvements to make the tool more powerful. These changes include:

Results text / logs

When viewing these, the user can now apply filters to narrow down the range of rows which are displayed. This can be useful when a user is trying to find specific messages in the output. To further assist in this, users can choose to highlight rows which match their criteria. By using these 2 features, it should be simpler to hunt for the rows of interest.

Additionally, where the source data points are large, users can now use pagination to improve the responsiveness of the browser.

Results json

It’s now possible to flatten the results json and apply filters to the flattened data.

Improved UX for non-logged in users

Previously, when a non-logged in user clicked on a link, they were presented with an error screen. They were required to navigate to the profile page, log in and then click on the link again. To improve that experience, they can now log in directly from the error page.


Filtering functionality has been added to audit trails and .net assembly information.

Additional files

Some tidying up has been made here to improve the consistency of experience across all usages of additional files.

As usual, if you have any requests, suggestions or comments then please do get in touch.

Happy testing!


New version released

Although the blog has been quiet for the last couple of months, our keyboards have been anything but. We’ve been working with our clients to add additional features to simplify their processes and improve their ability to present testing results to their clients. These new features include.

UX improvements

A lot of small improvements have been made to the tool to improve its usability. We’re always keen on user feedback, so if there are any aspects of the tool which you think that we can improve, then please do let us know.

Lightboxes for media

As part of extending the tool to better facilitate UX testing, users can now take advantage of being able to see any additional files using a lightbox.

Product dashboards

Users can now upload multiple dashboards per product (as opposed to previously only being able to configure the front page). This functionality can be thought of as a ‘mini CMS for test results’ allowing users to create customised presentation of the data, typically a dashboard per release or CI pipeline. These dashboards can contain standard HTML alongside Conical specific widgets for accessing test data.

We are currently using them to allow our clients to present an overview of a release candidate’s testing status, thereby allowing their project owners to be able to see the status at a glance.

We currently have support for embedding searches alongside their results. Additional widgets will be added as user requirements become clearer. If you have suggestions or requirements for additional widgets which would be useful, then please do get in touch.

As usual, if you have any questions about Conical or how we can help you improve your build, test and release processes, then please do contact us –

Happy testing


New version released

We’ve been busy this last month helping our clients use Conical to improve their testing processes. We’ve got some cool new features coming out of this work will be announced and released shortly, but in the meantime, we’re pleased to announce a new version of Conical has been released.

This version has a few improvements, including:

  • Improvements to the UX in the admin section
  • improved user searching functionality
  • long tags fail gracefully (BadRequest) rather than a server error
  • server metrics – free space on mounted discs on linux now report the correct value

Additionally, we found a problem with product level aliases when combined with product level privileges. This has now been corrected and fixed.

If you would like us to assist you with your testing and release processes then do get in touch with us at We can help all sizes and types of organisations and we relish a challenge!

As usual, any questions, suggestions or comments, please get in touch.

Happy testing.


Uploading unit test results from Azure devops

Following on from our previous blog post on uploading unit test results, we recently had a client who wished to do this from their Azure devops pipeline.

The main intent here was to be able to have a single portal containing all of their testing evidence which they could share with their clients without the clients needing access to the various dev ops pipelines

Initial State

They were running their tests using the following:

- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
  displayName: "Run Tests"
    command: 'test'
    projects: '**/*Tests.csproj'
    arguments: '--no-build --configuration:Release'

It’s worth noting that the above task will automatically generate the trx files and store them in the $(Agent.TempDirectory) (documentation) and as such, there are no changes required to the test running in order to be able to generate the trx files.

In the above situation, each project will be run independently and as such, each test project will output its own trx file. We will update the trx uploader tool to handle multiple source trx files, but in the meantime, to upload these results to Conical, each TRX gets treated as its own test run set and then we form an evidence set from these test run sets which is presented to the end client.

Additional Steps

To do the uploading, we created:

  1. A new pipeline variable to contain the PAT for uploading data to Conical
  2. An additional task in the job
  3. An additional powershell script to the work

We decided to call the new variable ‘CONICAL_UPLOAD_TOKEN’. We declared it as needing to be kept secret and as such, it needed to be exposed explicitly to the task, i.e.

- task: PowerShell@2
  displayName: "Publish results to Conical"
    filePath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/uploadTestResultsToConical.ps1'

The upload script was then as follows:

$sourceDirectory = "$env:Agent_TempDirectory"
echo "Source directory: $sourceDirectory"

$matchingFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$sourceDirectory" -filter *.trx

# Ensure we have the uploading tool
dotnet tool update BorsukSoftware.Conical.Tools.TRXUploader

if( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) {
  dotnet new tool-manifest
  dotnet tool install BorsukSoftware.Conical.Tools.TRXUploader

foreach ($file in $matchingFiles)
  echo "Dealing with $file"

  dotnet tool run BorsukSoftware.Conical.Tools.TRXUploader `
    -server `
    -product productName `
    -source "$sourceDirectory\$file" `
    -token "${env:CONICAL_UPLOAD_TOKEN}" `
    -testRunType "Unit Test" `
    -tag "BuildID-$env:Build_BuildId" `
    -tag "devops" `
    -tag "SourceVersion-$env:Build_SourceVersion"

# Ensure we have the ES creation tool
dotnet tool update BorsukSoftware.Conical.Tools.EvidenceSetCreator

if( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) {
  dotnet new tool-manifest
  dotnet tool install BorsukSoftware.Conical.Tools.EvidenceSetCreator

echo "Creating evidence set"
dotnet tool run BorsukSoftware.Conical.Tools.EvidenceSetCreator `
  -server `
  -token "${env:CONICAL_UPLOAD_TOKEN}" `
  -product productName `
  -searchcriteriacount 1 `
  -searchcriteria 0 product "productName" `
  -searchcriteria 0 tag "BuildID-$env:Build_BuildId" `
  -tag "BuildID-$env:Build_BuildId" `
  -tag "devops" `
  -name "Unit Tests" `
  -description "Combined view of all unit tests" `
  -link "Devops Pipeline" "$env:Build_BuildId&view=results" "Link to the pipeline" `
  -link "Source Code" "$env:Build_SourceBranchName" "Source Branch"

Note that this code is silently tolerant of upload failures, this is more by oversight rather than explicitly desired. If we wanted to be strict about upload failures, then we would need to check $LASTEXITCODE after each call to the uploader in a similar way as to how we’re doing so for the tool installation.


After these changes, the client was able to present the results of this portion of their testing in a nice, easy to consume fashion.

The next step for us is to finish the TSR and ES comparison functionality so that the client will be able to see the differences in test populations between multiple runs. This’ll allow their end client to see how the test universe has changed (hopefully in an expansionary way) between 2 different releases.

As usual, if you have any questions, queries or comments about this or any other aspect of automating your testing, then please do get in touch.

Happy testing!


New version released

We’re pleased to announce a new version of Conical has been released.

This version has a few new features, the main ones being:

  • The internal storage of ‘creator’ for test run sets has been updated so that it reflects the current name of the user which uploaded the data rather than the name of the uploading user at the time that they uploaded data
  • Usernames can now contain ‘.’

Note this is the 1st version of Conical for which automated Selenium tests have been used as part of the release testing process. We will provide more details on how we use Selenium in future blog posts / updates. As part of this testing, we’ve also added a range of additional features to the book of work which’ll help other users to use Conical to help with their UI testing.

Happy testing


New version released

We’re pleased to announce a new version of Conical has just been released.

Along with a few minor UI tweaks, the main feature of this release is the ability to specify adhoc XPATH queries when looking at results XML.

This simplifies the analysis of results where the user wishes to perform some quick querying on the data without needing to create a custom XSLT.

Note that this functionality doesn’t replace the more powerful XSLT transformation feature but should be seen as a quick investigation tool with the XSLT feature then being used when the requirements are more well known (remember that the XSLT functionality allows for parameterisation).

To use the feature, simply click on the search icon in the results XML tab and follow the prompts.

As usual, if you have any comments, feedback or suggestions, then please do get in touch.

Happy testing